Coding Standard QML

1. QML document structure

Structure 1.1. Basic document and elements structure should be ordered like this:
  • Id
  • New property declarations
  • New signal declarations
  • Java Script functions
  • Element's property initialization
  • Children elements
  • States
  • Transitions
  • Connections
  • Others
Rectangle {
    id: myButton                                               

    //New property declarations
    property alias text: buttonText.text

    //New signal declarations
    signal clicked

    //Java Script functions
    function printHello() {
        console.log("Hello, from myButton!")

    //Element's property initialization
    color: "red"
    height: 100
    width: 250

    //Child element 1
    Text {                                             
        id: buttonText

        anchors.centerIn: parent

    //Child element 2
    MouseArea {
        id: mouseArea

        anchor.fill: parent

        onClicked: {

    states: [
        State {
          name: "default"
        State {
          name: "hovered"

    transitions: [
      Transition {
        from: "default"
        to: "hovered"

    Connections {
      target: someObject
      onSomeObjectAction: console.log("Hello, someObject!");
Structure 1.2. All above-mentioned groups should be separated with empty line.
Structure 1.3. Put properties and functions for internal usage into QtObject to avoid changing outside.
Rectangle {
  id: myRect

  //Visible only inside "myRect"
  QtObject {
    id: internal
    property string someInternalText: "Hello"
Structure 1.4. All "magic" numbers and text names should be moved to "readonly" properties
Rectangle {
   readonly property int meaningOfLife: 42
   readonly property string stateName: "stateName"

2. Groped properties

Groped 2.1. Use group notation for group properties instead of dot notation.
//Bad example
Rectangle {
  anchor.topMargin: 42
  anchor.left: parent.left

Text {
  text: "Some Text"  
  font.pointSize: 18
  font.bold: true

//Good example
Rectangle {
  anchor {
    topMargin: 42
    left: parent.left

Text {
  text: "Some Text"  
    pointSize: 18
    bold: true

3. Code Formatting

3.1 Naming convention

Naming 3.1.1. Use camel case style for properties, java script functions, java script variables, signals, ids.
Naming 3.1.2. All names should start with lower case letter.
Naming 3.1.3. All names should have logical meaning. Avoid abbreviation and single letter names.

3.2 Brackets style

Brackets 3.2.1 Open bracket should be in the same line as expression or object name
//Bad example

  if (isTrue) 
    //Do thomething
    //Do thomething else

  function myFunction (parameter) 
    //Important calculation

//Good example
  Rectangle {

  if (isTrue) {
    //Do thomething
  } else {
    //Do thomething else

  function myFunction (parameter) {
    //Important calculation
Brackets 3.2.2 Do not use curly braces, if there is single or simple expression
function printText() {
//Bad example
MouseArea {
  onClicked : {

//Good example
MouseArea {
  onClicked : printText()

3.3 Semicolons

Semicolons 3.3.1 Avoid to use semicolons in QML code where it is possible.
function myFunction() {
  var firstVar = 1
  var secondVar = 2
  return firstVar + secondVar

4. QML Files naming

Files 4.1. All QML files should be name in camel case style and name should begin with capital letter.

5.Best Practices and Advice

Advice 5.1. Try to avoid heavy calculation and data manipulation in QML/Java Script code. Use QML for UI purpose. For heavy operation use C++.

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